Organization > Bibliographic and artistic references


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- Bell David et Gill Valentine, Mapping Desire, London and New York, Routledge, 1995
- Bell David and Jon Binnie, The Sexual Citizen: Queer. Politics and Beyond, Cambridge: Polity, 2000.
- Brown Wendy, States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1995
-Brown-Saracino Japonica, « Social Preservationists and the Quest for Authentic Community », in City and Community, 3 :2, juin 2004, p.125-156
- Butler Judith, Giving an Account of One Self, New York, Fordham University Press, 2005
- Doan Petra L., « Queers in the American City : Transgendered perceptions of urban space », in Gender, Place and Culture, vol.14, N°1, pp.57-74, février 2007.
- Duncan Nancy (ed.), Body Space, London and New York, Routledge, 1996
- Guérin-Pace France et Elena Filipova (eds.) Ces lieux qui nous habitent. Identités des territoires, territoires des identités, Paris, La tour D’Aigues, INED-L’Aube, 2008.
- Jarvis Helen, Paula Kantor, Jonathan Clarke, Cities and Gender, London and New York, Routledge, 2009.
- Jonhston Lynda et Robyn Longhurst, Space, Place and Sex, Geographies of Sexualities, Plymouth, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2010.
- Halberstam Judith, In a Queer Time and Place: Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives, New York, New York University Press, 2005.
- Lextrait Fabrice et Frédéric Kahn, Nouveaux territoires de l’art, Paris, Sujetobjet éditions, 2002.
- Massey Doreen, Space, Place and gender, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1994. - Nelson Lise, « Bodies (and Spaces) Do Matter : The Limits of Performativity », in Gender, Place and Culture, A Journal of Feminist Geography, p 331 – 353. vol.6, 1999, issue 4.
- Oswin Nathalie, « Critical Geographies and the uses of sexuality : deconstructing queer space », in Progress in Human Geography, n°32 (1), 2008, p. 89-103
- Oswin Nathalie, World City, Queer, Paris, Antipode, 2005.
- Parsons Deborah, L., Streetwalking the Metropolis ; Women, the City, and Modernity, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003.
- Patch Jason, « ‘Ladies and Gentrification’: New Stores, Residents, and Relationships in Neighborhood Change », in Judith N. DeSena, et Ray Hutchinson (eds), Gender in an Urban World, Research in Urban Sociology, vol. 9, 2008, p. 103-126.
- Puar Jasbir, « A Transnational feminist critique of queer tourism », in Antipode, 34, 935-46
- Prieur Cha, «Des géographies queers au-delà des genres et des sexualités ?»,, 2015.
- Quiros Kantuta et Allocha Imhoff (eds), Géo-Esthétique, Parc Saint Léger centre d’art contemporain, Ecole Supérieure de Clermont Métropole, ENSA Dijon, 2017.
- Stewart-Winter Timothy, Queer Clout, Chicago and the Rise of Gay Politics, Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016
-Young Iris, Justice and the Politics of Difference. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1990.

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